
The criteria for the jury-voting depends on the age of the participants: For example, in kindergarten the focus is more on creativity and on the "joy"; in higher levels (schools) or in youth-groups, design and/or construction technology will play a larger role.

Most important for the jury is the "overall impression" of the marble run (including the creativity and maybe the joy during the building-process).

So, please write or show us waht was particularly important for YOU building your marble run: Was it the visual design, did you want to build a particularly high/long/fast track, wass it rather the team spirit ("creating something great together")? This information is important for our jury!


In addition to the jury prizes, special prizes are awarded for particularly spectacular/unusual marble runs. Furthermore, a special prize for "research" will be awarded to participants who describe in their documentation how the properties of paper/cardboard were researched during the construction of the marble run. There are also plans to award special prizes for "design" and "construction technology".

Concerning the evaluation, it does NOT matter in which form your marble run is submitted (text, drawing, video, photo etc.)!

The evaluation-process

All uploaded submissions are checked for legal correctness by a preliminary jury. Submissions that do not correspond to the competition tasks will be eliminated.

Main jury:

The main jury consists of representatives from paper companies, marketing experts, technicians, designers, and people from the educational and design area.

Public voting award:
In addition to the jury's awards, all submissions will be published for an online voting at www.papiermachtschule.at for around two weeks.

The submission with the most online votes will win the "Public voting award".

The winners will be informed by email. The submitter is responsible for the correctness of the email address!