Who can participate?

Anyone can participate who has an idea for a marble run made of paper and/or cardboard. It doesn't matter if you are an individual person, a school class, a kindergarten or any other group (e.g. a team of a company or an organization). There are no limits on group sizes and there are no regional restrictions.

If the submitter is younger than 18 years old, the legal representative must agree to the participation (for school classes and kindergarten groups etc. we only need the consent of the responsible teacher). You will find a template of the submission form here.

How to participate?

"Papiergemurmel" is an online competition. Registration and submission of the projects take place via the online submission tool on the platform www.papiermachtschule.at

Fill in the information about yourself/your group in the online form and upload information about your marble run project (e.g. texts/short documentation, photos of the models, short videos etc.).

The following files must be uploaded:

  • The project documentation in a common file format (e.g. video/audio file; PDF, image files (jpg), Word document, Powerpoint, etc.) as a zip-file. What is important for the jury is the submitted project itself, NOT the perfect documentation!

  • For groups with participants who are younger than 18 years:
    A digital document (e.g. a scanned list/a PDF) with the names and years of birth of the group members (not required for school classes / kindergarten groups / afternoon-care or similar).

Your submission can include multiple documents, the maximum size of 50 MB per submission must not be exceeded

The best ideas will be published on the website www.papiermachtschule.at and may be published on Austropapier's social media channels.

An exhibition with some spectacular marble/ball runs is planned, for example in the papermaking museum in Steyrermühl (Upper Austria). Of course, it is NOT obligatory that the participants must transport their marble runs to an exhibition - the organization and the costs will be covered by "Papier macht Schule"! Transportability is NOT a criteria for the jury's evaluation!

The communication concerning the competition will be carried out per email.

It is possible to submit more than one idea per group/person/class.

You must own the rights to the submitted data (photos, videos, texts, drawings etc.) - so please do not "steal" photos/texts or similar from the Internet as this can have legal consequences!